(201) 818-4344
5 Common Symptoms of a Meniscus Injury

5 Common Symptoms of a Meniscus Injury

The meniscus has the important job of cushioning and stabilizing the knee joint. Anytime it’s injured, symptoms are usually severe enough to warrant a trip to an Orthopedic Surgeon. If you’ve injured your knee and are experiencing any, or any combination,...
Knee Cartilage and How It Protects the Knee

Knee Cartilage and How It Protects the Knee

The knee joint is composed of the femur, tibia and patella bones and its primary action is to flex and extend the lower leg while walking and running. Because this important action controls daily life, protecting the integrity of the joint is of the utmost importance....
4 Ways to Treat Quadriceps Tendonitis

4 Ways to Treat Quadriceps Tendonitis

Quadriceps tendonitis is a knee injury most commonly sustained by running, jumping, and kicking athletes. The  quadriceps are made up four tendons that play an important role in straightening the knee and rotation of the hips.  Therefore, quadriceps tendonitis can...
Knee Surgery 101: How a Torn ACL is Reconstructed

Knee Surgery 101: How a Torn ACL is Reconstructed

The ACL is one of the four ligaments in the knee that connects the femur(thigh bone) to the tibia (shin bone).  The ACL plays an important role in knee stability and function as it prevents the tibia from sliding too far forward and causing the knee to be unstable and...
The Different Types of Meniscus Tears (And How They’re Treated)

The Different Types of Meniscus Tears (And How They’re Treated)

The menisci function as the shock absorbers in the knee by forming two wedges of cartilage between the femur and tibia in the knee. Meniscal tears are one of the most common sports-related knee injuries. While most people have heard of them, they don’t know exactly...
The 3 Most Common Causes of Hip Pain in Adults

The 3 Most Common Causes of Hip Pain in Adults

Hip pain is a very common complaint and can be caused by a various reasons. The exact location of hip pain can provide important clues about its underlying cause. Pain on the inside of the hip or groin can be caused by problems within the hip joint itself while hip...
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